Empty Bowl Organizers
The Smithville Empty Bowl Project is a cooperative effort of the Smithville Food Pantry, Smithville Community Gardens, Lost Pines Artisans’ Alliance, Samella Williams Angels Unaware Ministry, and Smithville Community Clinic.
Key Organizers Are:
Smithville Food Pantry - Judy Evanicky
Smithville Community Gardens - Jill Strube, Judy Bergeron, Jim Horton & Cyndy Lee
Lost Pines Artisan's Alliance - Robin Lively & Tina Broussard
S. Williams Angels Unaware Ministry - Samella Williams, Sharon Foerster & Sharlotte Seidel
Smithville Community Clinic - Kristi Farquar & Diana Villalobos
Standing Committees include:
Bowl Production
Silent Auction
Soup Donations
Dessert Donations/Dessert Live Auction
Contact us if you would like to volunteer!
Website by Sundance Expressions